2014 The Lane of Your Look
Part publications of Piano solo collection Ataei publication, August 2014 ISBN: 9789643137359
Approaching what we call Iranian piano is the subject of this album. In the past, although the emergence of the “Iranian piano” itself was the result of a cultural merger, but nowadays this concept has changed. Thus, Iranian piano had less traces of well-known Western styles on its face. But if we do not consider the “The Lane of you Look” at all a temptation in the classical Western styles , at the stylistic level there have been intrigues that are not very common. The effects of this fusion can be seen most of all in a few pieces of the album. In the first encounter, first track , “The Lane of Your Look”, which is also called the album, attracts attention; A combination of Persian spaces with baroque spaces (although both are somewhat diluted) that looks very strange. The reason for all this strangeness is that the focus of composers and musicians was on a vague notion of romanticism , and the issue of harmony, so that other polyphonic techniques were not used in their work. Now in the album , such a connection is realized in a way that the listener hears in the appearance of a work with a baroque atmosphere, but if he goes beyond the surface, he will see that Iranian themes, wording and changes in intensity and dynamics and silences that make the piece They are completely articulated, not from the Baroque period. “Waltz of Nostalgia” has a romantic atmosphere and gives more than any of the pieces a clear reference to an example of the style he has chosen. In other cases, the composer absorbs the style and presents her own music based on the whole thing, but in this piece, it is very difficult not to remember “Chopin”, the famous romantic composer. However, by no means is his passionate master in the piece Here, too, like the path of your gaze, and even though the reference is clearer than that, there are elements that did not come from the music of the Romantic era. The most familiar to the Iranian listener is the element that shows that this piece was made by an Iranian composer, and overall it seems to be the best piece of the album; Where we hear an emotional waltz, that remains cohesive with all the other components it has gathered from its heart. Negin’s approach to twentieth-century music, however, is more cautiously appropriate and more related to earlier styles. “Shadow of Presence” and “Inner murmur “ and their connection to the styles of the early twentieth century show how the composer remained close to the period in which he was most successful and from using methods Who radically distances himself from his favorite space. Here, too, in the shadows, under the foggy game of dissonances, other components are still heard. In all three categories of songs related to Western music styles, the Iranian element is quite visible. But what is interesting about the composer in the album and the way he works is that in the pieces that are explicitly called “Iranian etudes”, the Iranian elements are more hidden than the others, as if now that Iranian music is going to be involved, hides itself most of all. Now. With a comprehensive look at the styles and pieces of the album, it can be seen that four categories of elements, Baroque, Romantic, Twentieth Century and Iranian, which have been the composer’s hand tools, participate in the construction of the pieces by controlling the intensity and weakness of the occurrence. Not that in the pieces known as one of these four stylistic-cultural elements, one is present and the other three are absent, but as if all four are present, but one plays a central role and the rest plays secondary roles. This sometimes creates a situation similar to stylization. It is the case that “The Lane of Your Look”, has more or less succeeded in becoming a mere recording of an academic work due to its success in some of the subject matter styles. And become a musical work; Although he has to wait for better performances.